7. Our Neighbors, The Catechism, and Fair Trade

parable of the good samaritan

parable of the good samaritan

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 3

In my opinion Francis lived the Parable of the Good Samaritan, he saw the needs of the poor and sick people around him and did his best to help them. Just like the Samaritan, Francis acted in love as Jesus tells us all to do. Through that love and trust in God and the Holy Spirit great things happened to Francis, he opened up his mind to rebuilding the people of God - not just the physical buildings.

Francis' actions came from the heart unlike the priest, who was living life under the "law" and could not see that love is above the law.

For me as a Christian, this Parable reminds me, with the help of the Spirit,  to be more aware and sensitive to people and try to see who is in need and act accordingly to help, not expecting any gratification or thanks for doing so either.

peace and good


In reply to Deleted user

Re: parable of the good samaritan

by Patrick Mayo -

Hi Anne,

I really agree with your comments.  Francis didn't just take the Parable to heart, but he did as Christ commanded, to go and show mercy.  He lived mercy. A lot of historical fury has been over the role of 'good works'.  We're asked to do works by Christ.   It isn't about any kind of reward, it's like the Samaritan.  He exemplifies the love of God through mercy and his actions exemplify that committment, the law didn't matter.

Pax,  Pat

In reply to Patrick Mayo

Re: parable of the good samaritan

by Deleted user -
For me the "good works " should be tied to the part of scripture where Jesus says " your right hand must not know what your left hand is doing", so it is to give alms in the form of action in good deeds, purely motivated by love, not by "if I do not do these things what will people think about me?"  Sometimes many good deeds are done out of fear or guilt, this does not lessen the effect of the deed on the recipient but it is not a pure form of doing what is right. Just simply do it because it is the right thing to do, it is what love would do and love has no need for ego massaging.
In reply to Deleted user

Re: parable of the good samaritan

by Deleted user -
For me the Good Samaritan reminds us that even despised people (as the Samaritans were considered by the Jews) are capable of mercy and are part of the People of God. All are made in the image and likeness of God and from that derive their dignity and rights.
All the Good Samaritan was doing was to obey the Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would be done unto", which Jesus rephrased as "Love thy neighbour as thyself." And I think it was Pope Benedict who said your neighbour is anyone who needs your help.
The parable reminds me not to expect too much from priests just because they are priests because they are human and not perfect. Some are close to perfect and some are far from it!
Another thing that strikes me is that charity, mercy and love can be found in the most unlikely places.